CS401 Solved MCQ & Subjective Screenshots Papers By Waqar Siddhu,CS401 SOLVED MCQS FROM FINALTERM PAPERS by Moaaz, CS401 papst Paper finalterm, Solved latest CS401 pastpaper , CS401 Past paper by Jawad final term, VU help 0 past paper
CS401 Final term Solved MCQs and Subjective With References by Moaaz Also Include Waqar Screen Short File PDF by Muhammad Jawad
CS401 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
(With Reference)
CS401 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
CS401 MCQ File Preview:
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Suppose AL contains 5 decimal then after two left shifts produces the value as
► 5
► 10
► 15
► 20 (Page 52)
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In graphics mode a location in video memory corresponds to a _____________ on the screen.
► line
► dot (Page 149)
► circle
► rectangle
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Creation of threads can be
► static
► dynamic (Page 141)
► easy
► difficult
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The thread registration code initializes the PCB and adds it to the linked list so that the __________ will give it
a turn.
► assembler
► scheduler (Page 141)
► linker
► debugger
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
VESA VBE 2.0 is a standard for
► High resolution Mode (Page 180)
► Low resolution Mode
► Medium resolution Mode
► Very High resolution Mode
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following gives the more logical view of the storage medium
► DOS (Page 155)
► Both
► None
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following IRQs is derived by a key board?
► IRQ 0
► IRQ 1 (Page 114)
► IRQ 2
► IRQ 3
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following IRQs is used for Floppy disk derive?
► IRQ 4
► IRQ 5
► IRQ 6 (Page 114)
► IRQ 7
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following pins of a parallel port connector are grounded?
► 10-18
► 18-25 (Page 125)
► 25-32
► 32-39
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The physical address of IDT( Interrupt Descriptor Table) is stored in _______
► IDTR (Page 182)
CS401 Subjective File Preview:
Q1. Define Stack Data Structure? 2 marks
Answer:- (Page 67)
Stack is a data structure that behaves in a first in last out manner. It can contain many elements and there is only
one way in and out of the container. When an element is inserted it sits on top of all other elements and when
an element is removed the one sitting at top of all others is removed first
Q2. How many broad categories video services are classified? 2 marks
Answer:- (Page 149)
Video services are classified into two broad categories; graphics mode services and text mode services.
Q3. What is programmer view of processor? 2 marks
Answer:- (Page 32)
The processor will blindly go there, where we mention even if it contains data and not code
Q4. INT-14-Serial-READ CHARACTER FORM PORT uses which two 8-bit registers to return to
result? 2 marks
Answer:- (Page 172)
AH = line status
AL = received character if AH bit 7 clear
Q5. Difference between two instructions? 3 Marks
mov byte [num1],5
mov word [num1],5
In first instruction, The variable num1 is treated as a byte and similarly 5 is also treated as byte.
In 2nd instruction, The variable num1 is treated as a word and similarly 5 is also treated as word.